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E-Mail: Einstellungen

After you create a new mailing, set the basic settings.


 Enter 'Subject' and 'Sender name' of your mailing. Both will decide in the subscriber's inbox whether he opens the mail or not.

  • Subject: Get to the heart of the reason for your mailing. Start with the strongest words. For what reason should the recipient open your mailing? If you would like to personalize the subject with subscriber data, use the 'input helpers'. To use a personal salutation already in the subject, the 'Personalisierungshelfer' is available. Before the final sending, start the display and spam test. This will not only check the visual appearance of your subject line in the inbox of various email programs, but also the sometimes fine line between spam-suspicious and particularly successful terms (e.g. "lottery").
  • Sender name: Even before the subject, your recipient reads the sender name. This should be trustworthy and recognizable, e.g. the name of your company and/or a consistent personal contact. An additional term can arouse further interest even before reading the subject, e.g. "Company name Easter campaign".

--> Tip: MAILINGWORK offers with the 'A/B-Test' an effective tool to test different variants of subject lines or sender names for success.


Enter the 'sender address' and optionally a different 'reply address' (please note below). The difference:

  • Sender address ('From'): most mail servers send automatic notifications, such as out-of-office notices, to the sender address.
  • Reply address ('Reply-To'): Entering a reply address is optional. If the field is left blank, all replies written by the recipient will also be sent to the sender address. By entering a different reply-to address, you specify that replies written by the recipient will not be sent to the sender, but to the reply-to address entered.

--> Note: A reply address that differs from the sender's address can be interpreted as sender forgery, which increases the risk of classification as spam.


Also specify whether a design template should be used or not. Optionally, a 'Description' can be entered for your orientation.

Advanced Settings: Type and format


In the 'Type' section , select whether your mailing is a standard, dialog or campaign mailing. The differences:
  • Standard mail: This is the classic newsletter that you send to your customers, business partners or employees. Each standard mail is sent once to the selected recipients. After it has been sent, it can be copied and sent again, including any edits. The dispatch starts optionally immediately or time-controlled at a later time. A standard mail can have the states 'in process', 'will be sent time-controlled', 'paused' or 'sent'. As soon as the dispatch is completed, the mail is moved to the email archive. Restoring from the archive is possible without any problems, e.g. to send a similar mail later.
  • Dialog mail: After subscribers subscribe to a newsletter (opt-in), unsubscribe (opt-out) or change their profile data, they can automatically receive a confirmation mail. Only mails of the type 'Dialog Mail' can be used for this purpose. Newly created, they initially have the status 'in process'. When editing is complete, activate the dialog mail on the 'Dispatch' tab by clicking on the buttons 'To activate' --> 'Activate now'. This locks the content for editing and the mail can be selected as a dialog mail in the login setup, logout setup or profile manager setup. To edit the content of an activated dialog mail, it must first be deactivated. To do this, click the 'Deactivation' button on the 'Dispatch' tab. The dialog mail is now 'paused' and can be edited again.
  • Campaign mail: To use a mail in the context of automatically running campaigns, it must have the type Campaign Mail. Like a dialog mail, a campaign mail can also assume the states 'in progress', 'activated' or 'paused'. This means that a campaign mail must also be 'activated' before it is used and 'deactivated' before it is processed again.


As a rule, you should keep the default setting 'Multipart', because this way you serve the largest circle of recipients. Multipart means that the mailing consists internally of an HTML version and a text version. This way, your recipients will automatically see the version that matches their email program.

See the following screenshot: The HTML version of a multipart email contains all formatting and images, while the text version contains only unformatted text and can therefore be displayed by very old or even special email clients without any problems.

HTML-View of a multipart email. Text-View of a multipart email.

Automatic line break in the text part: Usually, your subscriber's email program is set to wrap lines automatically, depending on the window width when reading the email. With this option, you can force a fixed-line break, for example after 60 characters. The HTML part of your email is not affected by this option.



Inbound images: Inbound images are not activated by default, i.e. the image files used in your mailing are stored on a server and, depending on the settings of your email program, may not be displayed to the reader immediately when the email is opened, but only after clicking "Download images". If you want to force your images to be displayed immediately when the email is opened in any case, activate the 'Inboundimages' option. This will include the image files directly in each individual email and send them along with it. The downside to this is that it significantly increases the amount of data per email sent. Your subscribers might find this annoying. In addition, it could entail a recalculation, e.g. if your mailing is now larger than 100 KB on average.

--> Note: Capturing the open rate via tracking pixel works in any case, regardless of the 'Inbound images' setting, as long as the recipient does not suppress the display of images in his inbox.

Advanced settings: Tracking

Opening rate

In order to evaluate the percentage of recipients who opened the mailing after it was sent (see 'Übersicht, Öffnungs-/Klickrate'), the option 'Record opening rate' must be activated. For this purpose, MAILINGWORK integrates an invisible tracking pixel in the HTML part of the mailing, which is linked individually for each recipient and whose call is counted as an opening. The measurement works independently of the mailing setting 'Inboundimages' as long as the recipient does not suppress the display of images in his inbox.

Link tracking

If you enable Automatic link tracking in the HTML part, each link contained in the mailing will be replaced by a tracking link individualized for each subscriber. These tracking links are redirected to the original link URL via the ###system_name## server and counted in the process. This allows you to see how many times each link was clicked after the mailing was sent (see 'Übersicht, Öffnungs-/Klickrate'). Furthermore, target groups can be formed based on this, e.g. "All who clicked on link B" can be contacted again with further information. Please note that you have to define each URL as a link beforehand. You can check the correctness of the tracking links by sending yourself a test mailing.

Automatic link tracking in the text part works in the same way as in the HTML part. However, the pure text display leads to a significant difference compared to the HTML part: The link URL changed by the tracking is directly readable in the text. Please decide for yourself whether you want to set this "visible" link tracking or not.

Own tracking code

Here it is possible to automatically add your own parameters to all links of the mailing. This allows you to track the further behavior of the newsletter recipients via website analysis tools such as Google Analytics, Piwik or econda. To do this, copy the tracking code of your tool into the field so that ###system_name## automatically appends it to all external links of your mailing.

The following parameters are supported:

  • Freely definable parameters: utm_source=mailing&utm_campaign=sonderaktion
  • Content from subscriber fields: [FIELD id='3' name='Customer number' /]

Important: Use the variant with "FIELD id" at this point, not the shorthand notation via alias. The name is optional, it only improves readability.

  • Dispatch time (date and time): [DATETIME format='%d.%m.%Y'_%H:%M:%S' /]



  • Mask parameter values that might contain special characters or characters like & and =: [ENCODING method='url'][FIELD id='3' name='Customer number' /][/ENCODING].
  • Encrypt sensitive data: [ENCODING method='base64'][ENCRYPTION algorithm='aes-128-ecb' password='xxxxxxxx']sample text[/ENCRYPTION][/ENCODING]. The 'algorithm' parameter supports the following options:
    • aes-128-ecb
    • aes-192-ecb
    • aes-256-ecb
    • blowfish-ecb

Advanced settings: Limit and redispatch

Contact frequency

The effect of the two contact frequency options is described in detail in the section 'Individual setting per mailing' as part of the topic 'Kontaktfrequenz'.

The options are only effective at this point if the contact frequency check is activated in the central menu 'Administration' --> 'Contact frequency'.

Subsequent dispatch to new registrants

If desired, you can send mailings automatically to each new subscriber as soon as they sign up using a signup setup selected here.

As soon as a new mailing with activated resend is sent, this mailing is also entered in the login setup. That means: The setting at the signup setup is permanently "synchronized" with the last mailing sent, if it had the resend function activated.

That means:

  • If you always want the latest mailing to be forwarded when you sign up, activate the forwarding option when designing each mailing.
  • If, however, you always want to resend a specific mailing when you sign up, do not activate the resend option in any mailing, but select the desired resend mailing directly in the sign-up setup.

Advanced settings: Report

Here you determine when and how often an automatic report is sent to your email address. To do this, activate the checkbox 'Send automatic reports'. By the way, this can be done even after the email has been sent and moved to the archive.

Select the desired report template (for editing see 'Statistics' --> 'Email' --> Mailings). In the settings for Report interval and Number of repetitions you define every how many days and how often in total you want to receive the current report. Finally, select the time of delivery (time) and the email recipient of the report. To send the report to multiple recipients, enter multiple email recipients separated by comma, semicolon or space.

Advanced settings: Archiving

External archive

Select an external archive that has already been created, into which your mailing is to be automatically included after it has been sent. You can also assign mailings to an archive after they have been sent. (However, this is only possible if you have already created an external archive). For more information, see External archive.

Advanced settings: Shipping copies

Here you can set whether and to whom a copy of each individual mailing should be sent via CC or BCC.